20 Windows Keyboard Shortcuts you should be using to work faster


Keyboard shortcuts can save you hours of time per year. The shortcuts for copying, pasting, and selecting all are likely already familiar to you: Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, and Ctrl+A. Still, Windows provides a lot of other keyboard shortcuts that help you save time and effort when using your computer.

1. Alt + Tab

Most people who are busy use many applications at once. To quickly navigate between your open applications and switching screens, press and hold the Alt key and press Tab key to switch as you do so.

 2. Ctrl + Backspace

Holding down the Ctrl key while tapping backspace will remove full words rather than just one character at a time. Easily remove lengthy sentences or paragraphs without the need of a mouse.

3. Ctrl + S

Regular file saving lowers the likelihood that you may lose data in the event that your machine freezes. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S to save your manuscript after each paragraph that you type. Follow this routine, and you'll never have to be afraid of losing hours of work due to a computer failure.

4. Ctrl + Home or Ctrl + End

Do you need to navigate to the top or bottom of your document? To quickly navigate to the top without scrolling, press Ctrl+Home. To get to the finish, use Ctrl+End.

5. Ctrl + Esc

Pressing Ctrl+Esc is similar to hitting the Start button on Windows. With the help of the up and down arrow keys, you can navigate the Windows start menu once this shortcut has been opened. Use the right arrow key to see the submenu for a menu item.

6. Win + Home

Win+Home minimizes all open windows, leaving only the active window. When you need to switch to the desktop but don't want to close your window, this shortcut comes in handy.

7. Ctrl + Shift + T

Have you ever needed to reopen a tab that you mistakenly closed in your browser? Use Ctrl+Shift+T to open the last closed tab in your browser rather than browsing through your cache. This shortcut helps you avoid frustration in addition to saving time.

8. Ctrl + D

Do you wish to make a bookmark? Using the current tab URL, Ctrl+D will add a bookmark to your browser.

9. Shift + Del

The Windows Recycle Bin is a familiar sight to most people. A file is not truly deleted when it is removed. Until you either recover the file or empty the Recycle Bin, it goes straight there. There are events when you are certain you want to remove a file and never want it back. Shift+Del can be used to permanently remove a file without going through the Recycle Bin.

10. F2

You must perform a single click and the following click on a file in order to rename it. Clicking too quickly opens the file rather than prompting you to rename it. To save yourself the frustration, click a file and then hit F2.

11. WIN

The shortcut key for Windows is the WIN key. By pressing this key, you can open your Windows Start menu and see the apps you've recently used as well as the ones you've pinned to it.

12. WIN + M

It may take some time to minimize every window, especially if you have ten open at once. Whether you have two, three, or ten windows open, you can immediately minimize them all by hitting WIN + M, which is the combination of WIN and the "M" key.

13. WIN + F1

You can't help but occasionally contact Microsoft for assistance if you're experiencing issues using their software. To access the Windows help and support center, use WIN + F1, rather than searching for the Microsoft Support icon. It will open instantly.

14. WIN + E

When looking for files, finding and clicking on Windows Explorer with your mouse wastes a lot of time. Press WIN + E and Windows Explorer opens up immediately.

15. WIN + R

You can open a file by simply putting in the name of a program, folder, document, etc. with the help of the Run button. The Start Menu of Windows has the Run command. The WIN + R shortcut is a quick way to get to it.

14. WIN + L

To keep people from accessing your computer when you're taking a break and walking away from your workplace, lock it by pressing WIN + L. If necessary, you may easily switch users with this shortcut.

15. WIN + Tab

Switching through all of your open windows rapidly is possible when you use the Win + Tab shortcut when you have a lot of programs open.

16. WIN + Pause or Break Key

When reviewing the properties of your operating system, the System Properties window is essential. To open the System Properties windows, you have to click on several keys (My Computer, Control Panel, etc.). You may quickly open the System Properties window by pressing WIN + Pause or WIN + Break.

17. WIN + F3

To access your email, calendar, and contacts immediately if you use Microsoft Outlook, press WIN + F3. F3 is one of the function keys at the top of your keyboard.

18. WIN + Arrow Key

When the WIN key is pushed together with each arrow key, a distinct function happens. Your active window will shrink to half of the screen and be pinned to the left when you press WIN + Left Arrow. While it pins it to the right side of the screen, WIN + Right Arrow accomplishes the same thing. WIN + Up Arrow maximizes the size of your active window and WIN + Down Arrow shrinks it if it is already minimized.

These are only a handful of the Windows shortcuts available to you. Although they may need some time to understand, shortcuts are well worth the effort because they save a lot of time.

For more shortcuts in Windows please visit Microsoft's Keyboard shortcuts in Windows

Technical Moeed

I am a IBM Certified Prompt Engineer, I am mostly practicing my prompting skills with my clients and turning their visions into visual arts.

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